Dear Fowora

Dear Fowora,

 Many times I wondered why you were black, why your lips were red and eyes white. I had watched you each day from the corners of my blue eyes, how you sipped red wine in dark glass, how you stick burger in water, you always wanna make me puke!

 Adefowora, you are not pretty because you are black, you don't sway your hips left to right like Nneoma and I, your teeth are brown and your hair unkempt; you stink of waste gotten from fresh fish and ewedu. Bdut I wonder, yes I wonder, how you manage to snatch Obim from me.

Obim! The very tall guy with curly hairs and pointed nose, who has the fairest skin of a thousand fairy, the one who's voice could melt a rock and who's touch sends goose pimples.

 Fowora, tell me your secret! Should I paint my face and become as black as you? Or should I roll myself in moist full of 'shitty waste'.

 Should I go to the blacksmith and request to be smeared with tribal lines; he could give me six, three to the left and three to the right.

 Tell me, did baba agba give you love portion or did you get burnt by sango in exchange for what I don't have. Dark Princess, please tell me your secret.

 Yours in competition



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