The village girls had gathered around me, pleading with me to free Uloma, but the more they pleaded the more I held on to her making sure she had enough punches that would last for seven market days pending the time she stopped flirting with my boyfriend.

When I was through, I stood up, dusted myself and stared down on her like I was her messiah. I smiled in satisfaction, I had beaten her black, blue and green, nearly stuffed the daylight out of her.

The other girls ran to lift the lifeless Uloma from the ground. I didn't care what they did afterwards, I had done what I had in mind and that was all I cared about.

I bounced out of their mist like the bad girl I was. Blew out my gum and stucked it into my mouth again.

Izunna was my property, any girl who went after him sought her own death. Uloma was no exception, infact she was the fifth girl I had actually beaten to a state of coma in less than four market days.

I walked into my fathers compound like a renowed village champion. My siblings Ngoo and Nnanna were busy cracking nuts infront of the house. I waved my hand in response to their greetings and went my way.

The moment I stepped into the small room I shared with my siblings, my lips flashed a smille. I laid on the bed and watched the episode of my encounter with Uloma as it displayed in thin air- a product of my imagination. I had been on top Uloma, punched her face, especially her lips she used in kissing Izunna.I made sure I disfigured it, giving it a new look, I could bet Izu wouldn't recognize her if he saw her. I had forced sand into her mouth and nose and punched her face so severely my hands ached.

I felt fulfilled, no other girl of Umuaka would dare flirt with Izunna haven been a witness to what conspired between Uloma and me. Izunna was my belonging, the only person that triggered the tigeress in me.

Just as about that time, my siblings barged into the room, holding their hearts in their hands.
'The whole villagers are outside the gate, they are threatening to bring down the gate if u don't come out!' Nnanna said still trying to catch his breath.

I thought he exaggerated. 'How can the whole villagers be here because I beat up Uloma?' I asked feeling less concerned. 'Let them come! Cowards...'

'Sister...' Ngoo started 'if you actually beat up Uloma, then you must have killed her!'

Those words rang like the catholic bell at 6 o' clock mass, it had hit me so hard I almost jumped out of my skin.

'Killed? Killed who? But... But... I only gave her few punches and stuffed her mouth and...' I paused and slowly placed both hands on my head.

I had stuffed sand into her mouth and nose.

'Oh gods of our land!' I exclaimed and jumped out, pushing my siblings aside. I sought for a way of escape, I found myself climbing my fathers small fence and escaping ito the nearest bush.

I had carefully hidden myself behind the over grown grass sprouting, when I heard soft moans from behind me, I thought the village priests had sent search parties after me... But listening again, these were not moans of angry men but of pleasure.

Lo and Behold, there stood Izunna with another village girl in his arms kissing and fondling each other... I was transfixed, I thought I had seen my own ghost.

This was the boy I had actually killed for, and here he was, making out with another girl...


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