Get to your destination, even if you have to walk!

Today for the first time I worked out. Mehn! I saw the back of my head, I never knew how tough it was until today. I envied those who did early morning jogging but not for once did I think I would try.

Felix called me to come jog with him, at first I felt reluctant, but then he told me it would be fun, Ibrahim agreed to come along too. So the three of us set out...

When we started, I felt my heart already thundering, my eyes were already spining, 'who send you message' was the first thing that came to my head. Just in the middle of my thoughts, I fell. I fell belly flat, smeared my palm and ankle on the hard ground and it began to bleed immediatly. My phone too, I gave it a pretty bad shape.

The first few seconds, I remained on the ground laughing, the last time I fell this way was when I was still a child. Felix and Ibrahim turned and ran back to lift me up. 'We haven't even gone anywhere and you're falling. You don't stop, that's the essence of working out' felix said as he offered me a hand. I took his hand and rose to my feet. Placing the earpiece back to my ears I said 'You guys go, I'm coming right behind'

'Anything you do, don't stop!' Felix said and ran off.

This boy will make a bad coach, I thought within me, I didn't jog, I started walking 'I cannor come and goan kill myself'. I walked a few seconds and started jogging again, the urge just came right up. Felix was right, you don't stop!

'Well..' I began '... I didn't come out of my house this early morning to run a few meters and go home, I have to reach the point we agreed even if I have to walk there!'

That's how life is, there are bumps everywhere, they are meant to slow us down but with a determined heart, we get this fulfilment of achieving. That's the essence of life, You don't stop!


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