You new year RESOLUTION should be an everyday CONFESSION

Saturday Dec., 5 2015

Its about 26 days to 2016, 26 days to another new year.

New year is full of new resolutions, the small-small promises and cranky decisions we make in our closet; the 'I will do this' and the 'I will never do this again' will soon flood the timeline of our minds as we approach the dawn of the new year come 2016. How many of our new year resolutions have we kept anyway?

Truth be told, I can't remember keeping a resolution I made on a new year, I can only remember defaulting all the promises I had made, infact, in defaulting new year resolutions, I top the list!

Resolutions are not magic, they don't just work because it was made on the first day of a new year, if you don't practise your supposed changed attitude, your attitude will never change.

Today, I thought about it, the tiny-tiny things I'd promise never to do again, the people I'd promise not to hurt, the achievements I wanted for 2015, the places I wanted to visit, most especially the decision I wanted permanent in my life.

Just like we celebrate the special day of our birth, we should celebrate everyday that we hold strong to our resolutions. I'm not saying resolutions on a new year is bad, resolutions can be made on any other day of the year, what is most important is sticking to it.

Your new year resolution should be an everyday confession, because every day in a year starts with a new day and that makes it special.


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