Depression and Suicide Saga

Why do people commit suicide in the first place? 

For whatever reason, suicide is not justified. 😫

Its heart breaking when I wake each morning to meet disturbing news about suicidal attempts and deaths rolls of homicide, ayam tired 😢.

We are humans, we ache, we bleed, we break, sometimes we refuse to get mend, we let our wounds open the more, we do not treat it, not because we don't know where to go but because we do not even trust who we want to go to, even now, a problem shared makes Facebook headlines. 😞

There was a time in my life, I was depressed, I was always depressed, bothered, disturbed, I didn't know if I truly needed help, I didn't think there was someone out there who could help, I kept to myself, I toiled in my thoughts, had series of sleepness nights, but there was one thing I always reminded myself, "Ammie, no matter how bad things are, don't ever think of killing yourself, don't you even dare!"

I gave my self that stern warning each time I had a mirror to my face, it wasn't comforting enough but at least it took away the desire or the thought of a suicide attempt.

I really do not blame people who see suicide as an option, the world we live in isn't helping, everybody wants the kind of news that will make headlines and bring traffic to their website's, very less people care about your pain, your struggles, your fight. Very less people want to extend a hand of sincere friendship, they are looking for what they stand to gain from you, and when you have nothing except your humble self, then you're just as worthless as a used tissue paper! 😷

Ayam tired, ayam tired because this is Nigeria where divided we stand and united we fall 😞, where everybody see's a post as a means of seeking attention, but when the worse happens they'd be the first to display the best pictures of the victim and boldly write 'RIP'. Where were you when the victim was ' Really In Pain'? 

So my dear person  planning a suicide soon, I just want to let you know that suicide won't grant you the peace of mind you seek, it never has and never will, because in the world we live in 96% of people don't care and the remaining 4% are not within arms reach.

Always stay positive, that's the truest way to fight it off. Only you can help yourself.


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