Something to Rant about (Depression Depression Depression)

Lately, this has been the trend, depression then suicide. The first time I wrote about depression, I didn't know what it meant to experience depression first hand.

Okay, over the years, I've been worrying myself out, 2015 was one of such years, I was just worrying and not suffering from depression, but in 2018 February, I went through the very first hand experience of depression, so yes, I've been there and I can talk about it.

When I first wrote about depression, I didn't think depression was enough reason for anyone to take his or her life (it still think its not though). But yeah, people go through a lot everyday, like every damn day! No, its not right to throw blames at them, no, it's not okay to become a judge and passing judgement like 'she shouldn't have killed herself, he shouldn't have jumped into the lagoon, yen yen yen!'.

Social media has made it a point of duty for anyone with an access to the internet to become Lord and saviour over other people they know absolutely nothing about. They stay behind their screen and judge the dead because, of course, they can. Pathetic!

If you've never been depressed, please do not go about cussing, or throwing tantrums, do not go about calling them idiots because of course, they should  have chosen life. But you never know that to some who chose death, that living is actually worse than being dead.

I do not envy those who died out of depression, I for one would not want to be so depressed to the extent of having the thought of suicide as my escape route, no, I never want to be in this stance.

I choose life because I do not know what to expect if I killed myself, because I do not know if it would be worse at the other side, because I do not know if chosing life would have been a better option than death, I don't want to die and begin to wish I had stayed alive and maybe put in enough energy to fall out of my depressive state because of course,  there is no reverse remedy for death. Note that.

You see, I try to put myself in the shoes of depressed people, I try to compare their stories and ask myself if I'd have done like they did if it were me in their shoes. I may never be able to really answer that, honestly.

W'all heard cases of suicides ranging from 2017 till 2018, the latest being the story of Aisha, a 300level student of ABU Zaria. Aisha left a suicide note blaming her parents for her death, and oh well, parents are suppose to be the 'run to' persons in cases like that. But no, her parents were the cause of her depression.

Dear parents, be your child(rens) shelter and not the storm that blows them off, be their guide, their run to person, please don't be an IDIOT. If you can't provide parental care, put them up for adoption. Its not suppose to be so hard.

We're all humans, and staying alive is never easy, it comes with its own challenges. I don't want to bore you with the 'when there's life there's hope' I just want you to know that death has no reverse remedy. You might be thinking that death is the peace you need, but what if its not?



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