
 I am sad, and unhappy, not many people know this. 

My blog is like my safe haven, where i pour out my mind, because, not many people will see this, not many people come here too, and no, i do not promote it either, so, it's kinda safe.

I've had rough edges, things i didn't completely heal from. Sometimes, I can't really say where the pain is from, why I unnecessarily slip into depression, my heart suddenly begins to race and heat up, getting tensed from the thought emanating from a lot of things.

I'd hide myself under the duvet, sob silently then begin to wail when I'm sure there's no one around to hear me.

People say it's okay to cry, no one said that crying doesn't really fix anything, it doesn't bring solution to the problems you are facing.

I'm just here, trying to take each day as it comes, doing my best to achieve all i have set my mind to achieve, but the fact that I breakdown more often than normal worries me.

I just want to rant please. It's feels fine doing so.


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