Written by;
Honor Amaka O.

'Room 208'. The lady at the reception said to me. 'Just take the stairs, the last room at the end of the lobby.'

'Thanks!' I said, trying to produce the best smile I could barely afford.
'You're welcome' she replied me and went on with her work.

My legs shook as I climbed the stairs, I couldn't still believe what it was I was about doing. I was choiceless, I had a family to fend for.

I stared at the plate number pasted at the door.

'208'. I muttered silently within myself. 'This must be the room'.

I heaved endlessly. I couldn't count how many times I raised my hand to knock at the door. For the first time in my life, I was afraid of my own self!

Finally I rapped few knocks at the door and took a deep breathe, exhaling almost immediately.

'Come in!' The voice beckoned from inside the room.

My supposed uncle sat on the bed. He was bare to the waist. He held a glass of wine in his right hand and sipped silently. He looked calm, too calm for my comfort.
'Come in my dear'. He beckoned again.

The whole room stunk of alcohol. I covered my nose and stepped in.

'My princess! You're welcome. How's your mother?' He asked as he laid his glass to rest on the side draw of the bed.

I gave a slight nod and replied, 'she sends her regards'.

'Ow! That's so sweet of her. Come my dear... Sit'. He said tapping the bed.

I didn't realize the tear tingling down my cheeks, it was quite hot. I wiped it with the back of my palm and wore a straight face. I needed to be strong.

'Ow Amaka...' He said as he stood up from the bed. 'You don't have to be scared, its what people do on a daily basis, using what you have to get what you want.'

My uncle placed his hand across my shoulder. '...before you know it we're done and we both shall go about our normal businesses as if nothing had happened.'
How dare he say that! I felt my blood boil hot, didn't he realize he was my uncle, my mothers brother?

'Okay!' He said '...you don't believe me?' He left my side and went for his suitcase. He dangled a file out of the case and showed it to me.

'This is it Amaka, your appointment letter, mouth watering salary, accomodation allowance, company car permit, name it! All that is missing is just the date and my signature!. If you agree to my terms and conditions then all this and many more would be yours.'

Its true I needed all that he had mentioned to keep my family in one piece, but even at that, was my dignity worth such a bargain?

I stared at him, thinking deep into what he had said. There was only one thing I could do...

I stood and just stared.

I hated him, but only one with inbuilt hatred would do such to his own blood without thinking twice.


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