MAMA [a mothers concern]

(A mothers concern)
written by; Honor Osuji
‘Holy ghost fire! I cast, I bind, I destroy every power of witchcraft, every agent of the devil…’

I tossed from one end of the bed to the other end, tightened my eyes and buried my head under my pillow; Nonye was sound at sleep at the other bed in the room which we both shared. She probably hadn’t heard mama’s prayers echo from the living room into our room.
I hissed, turned again but this time using the sheets over my head. As if she was watching me, she increased the volume of her voice.

‘…every spirit of lack of husband in Chioma’s life, Holy Ghost fire!’

Nonye sat up, let out a gasp of surprise stared in my direction and gave me that ‘did you hear that’ kind of a look. Mama’s straight to the point kind of prayer had shook her out of sleep.   I replied her with a slight nod, stood up, wore my slippers and headed for the door.

‘Lack of husband kwa?’ Nonye asked amidst surprise.

‘I’m going to tell mama a piece of my mind, how many times do I have to tell her not to take my matter to God?’

‘Calm down’ Nonye said as she flung her sheets to the other side, sat at the edge of the bed, resting both hands at her sides.

‘Imagine mama.’ I said in a controlled anger and went back to my bed.

‘Lack of husband.’ Nonye chuckled as she mimicked mama. ‘Maybe that’s mama’s special way of saying you are already due in the house’.
She shrugged and gave me a weak smile, shaking her head almost immediately.

As if that was not enough, mama advanced to another level

‘Every spirit of boyfriends, I destroy them. I bind them hands and feet, I send them to the bottomless pit, father direct them away from my daughter in Jesus name...’

I was at the verge of losing it.

‘That’s it!’ I said, violently shoving my hand across my face. ‘I’m going to talk mama’. I advanced towards the door the second time but again I stopped in my tracks.

‘…and as for Nonye my second daughter, Lord Jesus, touch her heart so that she can go back to her husband, deliver her from the spirit of flirting. Father give her the heart to forgive and forget the past in Jesus name’
Nonye flared in anger ‘Never! Even God knows that I can never forgive that man. The devil is even aware.’

‘Dear Lord,’ mama continued in her prayers ‘it’s not a crime to ask this, but I also need a young guy of my own.’

I and Nonye stole quick glances at each other, our mouths formed the ‘O’ shape.

Even at 58? What the heck does she need a guy for?


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