Short Story: Thank God it was just a Dream!

I had peeped through the window twice already to see whose hone was blaring, but again I was disappointed,  it wasn't my husband. The first two times were the hones of my neighbours who had returned home earlier than usual on the request of their wives or as a surprise formulae to enhance their romantic selves, I wished Nnanna would for once do the same, maybe emulate the good features of his fellow men.

I sat on the next available cushion clutching my phone like my heart depended on it and peeping through the window every now and then, the temptation to dial his number again was staring me in the face, he had warned me never to call him more than twice in a day, I was just too worried to remain calm. If I miss this day, I and Nnanna might have to kiss this year goodbye and wait till next year again before we can continue trying to have a child, its been six years already.

My phone beeped, no, it wasn't my husband.

'Ada, it has to be tonight o, make sure you're sexy enough to turn him on, that medication won't last more than 8hours.' Jemima's voice sounded from the other end.

I said 'okay' and ended the call, it was 6hours since she planted whatever it was in me, I haven't seen my husband and I couldn't call to ask why he wasn't home.

I was still pondering in my thoughts when the bell went, and there was my husband standing with the support of two unknown men, holding him side by side. I for once was dumbfounded, obviously he had been drinking after work and could barely see his way home.

'Please bring him in' I said, making way for the two men to drop him on the longer cushion.

'Here's his car key, its park outside the gate' one of the men said, I thanked them and soon enough they were out of our flat haven rejected my offer of money.

I stared at my husband, a dead drunk husband, how in heaven would I get a dead drunk man to make love to me, this time I couldn't hide the tears, I was going to watch another year go to waste, no, if it was going to waste then Nnanna should go with it.

I was tired of trying to make this marriage work, tired of being the only one bearing the broth of being called barren, tired of letting Nnanna use me as a punching box each time there was a quarrel between his mother and I on child bearing.

I was tired too, tired of thinking I was the maker of children.

So tonight, I was going to end it all, God will have to forgive me since he couldn't give me a child.
I held the knife I had taken from the dining and gave a deep thrust on Nnanna's chest, I would end my life afterwards...

'Ada, ada...' That was a tap on my shoulder, I looked and it was Nnanna my husband, was I dead too?

No I wasn't, I was on the cushion still clutching my phone when I dozed off, and there was Nnanna standing in front of me hale and healthy and smiling at me.

'Lets go make a baby...' He said, 'I'm sorry i kept you waiting.'

I walked with him to our room with this undisplaced joy dancing in my heart, thank God it was just a dream.


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