Road to being 23: (side 4: Introvert)

I have a certificate in INTROVERCY

am an Introvert

Yes I am an introvert, a full certified introvert, take that to the bank.

To add to that, I have a very shy personality as an added (dis)advantage.  I rarely meet people, but when I do, they're always worth it.

Give me a working internet, a full pack of Korean and Indian movies, and of course, 24/7 electricity and I don't mind staying indoors for months. For what its worth, I won't get bored. Again, take that to the bank.

I was brought up this way, like the 'omo get inside' kind of training.

I grew up in a public compound, a house full of kids, but that didn't in anyway change my status. I associated well among my peers, I played a lot as a child, hay chineke! I playyyyyyyyyy, no be small play.

I played catcha, I built house on the sand, I did mummy and daddy, police and thief, who's in the garden, suwe, ten-ten, I call on, I could skip for Africa, I was a good racer too and to add to it, I was a badass cook, red sand and brown stone suffer for my hand.

I still have this one friend who we grew up together, his name is Afam, till date he still calls me 'Mummy' cos that was the part I always played in our 'play play' drama. It was fun, my childhood was the best.

With all this history about me, one would think I would grow into a complete extrovert, one who was easily sociable and easy to mingle, but no, I didn't turn out that way, I was a complete opposite of what was expected. How that managed to be, I still do not know.

I love my life, and staying out of trouble is one of the things that has given me peace of mind. I hate being blamed for anything, so I avoid doing things that could lead to anyone getting to blame me at all. But when I realize I am at fault, I feel bad, I take the blame, apologize and try to ensure I get to resolve whatever went wrong for my peace of mind sake. Such things make me worry a lot.

My first year and second year was easy, since you weren't going out to look for trouble, trouble won't come home to look for you, oh well, except the trouble that lives in your house with you. My housemate were fantastic people, we enjoyed our company, but you know where the children of God gather, the Devil is sure to pop his ugly head to cause a disarray, well, he succeeded.

There was a big fight in my lodge, you know, twisted truth, false rumour, misinterpreted statements and all of that, to crown it all, I was dragged into the whole mess. There and then I learned, that TRUST is the most difficult aspect of human life. I was betrayed by someone I thought I was being protective of,in the end, all fingers pointed to me.

 I was hurt and didn't hide it.

 I learned, I learned if you have an opinion about the wellbeing of another person, keep it to yourself, yes o, keep to yourself and save your head, because that person might as well be seeking solace in the arms of your enemy only to come around later and use what you've said against you. (Lesson: household enemies do not know anything about you being an introvert or not, once there's wahala, whether you know o, or you don't know, they must ask for your head).

Asides being an introvert, I love to travel, I like going places, travelling makes room to widen my imaginations and thoughts, makes me mould characters in my mind, makes me feed my eyes with great scenes that'll be perfect for a storyline. So yes, I love going places.

To crown it all, I keep to myself a lot (my bad), I find it hard trusting people with what I have in mind for fear one day, when the tables turn, I'll be at the receiving end. But there are still very few people in my world in whom I trust, and one of them is myself, the others can come and meet me to verify their status.


  1. Yes,
    TRUST is one imagination we all have fallen prey to and have also taken turn on all of us.
    The high and might, the big and small, the gentle and Meek, it doesn't really matter who we are, TRUST takes time to teach us mostly on the hard.

    You are a gold-mine of unhernessed potentials, Introversive ain't just on sight here, how ever your are yet to finding out.You are one of a kind SL.


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