The Road to being 23 (side 3: A little about me)

So here we go, the continuation of where we stopped the last time:

2. On being 5.5"

I get different reactions from people I haven't met when I tell them I am 5foot 5inches tall. To me, it is tall enough abeg! I cannot comman resemble iroko tree cos I'm trying so much to match your taste of tall girls, sorry o, but I think 5.5" is tall enough for a lady. Period!

3. The 'Wrikative' Chiamaka

This is a new word I created myself, I hope it makes it to the dictionary soon.

A wrikative is a person who expresses all talks, thoughts and actions in writing. This is the best way I can describe myself, I am a wrikative.

I loved story books as a child. I read a lot of stories in my childhood, those stories made me, encouraged me and helped me develop my own storyline and ideas, I could swap an entire meal for a new story book.

I developed this passion for stories way back in 2002. I was still in basic school then, I was a full time story lover. My classmates who knew my passion and I've seen what I've ended up today aren't the least surprised that I turned out this way, a storyteller.

I love what I do, I love the fact that I could put all my thought in writing and have people read me and see my thoughts with me, it is so much fun.

I am not very good at talking, but tell me to write everything I have to say on a piece of paper, trust me you'll be shocked at what you'll get. I guess that's the way I'm programmed.
At the early stage of my life, I had wanted to become a story writer, my dreams were not supported, what would writing do was the question on everyone's lips.

I was told story writing was not a profession, that I'll go hungry if I ended up with that kinda 'thing', that I'll barely be able to feed myself let alone provide support for those who needed it, I was discouraged. I stopped writing for two years to think and plan of a better future for myself, I had to learn to survive, I had to learn to love something else, then came the concept of Accounting.

After I dropped my dream of becoming a writer, I opted for Accounting. Everybody loved my new choice, I had the support of everyone. There would be an Accountant in the house soon. Dad never stopped talking about it. Did I feel better? No.

I pleased everyone at the expense of my own dream, I wanted peace and I wanted everyone to be happy with me, especially dad.

In the long run as time went, I discovered I still couldn't do without penning my thoughts, I couldn't stop myself from having very wild imaginations and making them into a story, I discovered that working towards being an Accountant does not in anyway deter my dream or stop me from writing. So, I picked up my pen and started writing again.

I wrote short stories all through my secondary school and rented them out for a token. The token i was paid was enough to take care of my lunch for that day. In due time my teachers recognized me as a story writer and then I joined the Press Club of my school. Through out my secondary school exams and O'level English exams I have ever written, I have NEVER for one day answered the write a letter part of the exam, I always opted for story writing.

I have grown bigger, older and wiser. I've learned that there's something called a Profession and another a Passion, if you have both, good for you. But if you have one of them, you can make the other subject to the other, that is, you can make your profession your passion, or in other case, make your passion your profession as the case maybe.

I've learned to manage both, I've learned, if you must survive you must learn  to blow your own trumpet, be proud of yourself, give yourself a pat in the back when you accomplish great things, treat yourself to the good things of life whenever the opportunity smiles at you. I realized that you can be everything, you can please yourself and please others too without anyone getting hurt.

Today I am glad I never let go of the writing spirit, today I am glad I can still tell stories and grow my imaginations, today, as I attain the age of 23 soon, I am glad that there's one thing I never gave up on.


  1. So, I believe almost every one at one point or another gave up dreams and passions for some thing lesser probably because of influences, well..

    ...Dis is Nigeria,
    look how we re living now.

    Now just imagine how we would have missed a power writer.


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