The Road to being 23: (part 5:that part of everyone)

That part of everyone... (Emotions)

In my humble opinion, I think everyone has a soft part in them. A part they do not want the world to know about (just because they feel it signifies weakness) a soft part that they are over protective of, cos somehow, someway, they try to hide their weakness from the world and put up a strong face like a Biafran fighter. Well, I do not blame such people, I do not blame myself either.

I am an emotional person too, I hate to admit it, but its true, I react to everything, on another note things get to me easily, what you say to me, how you act,  I am quick to interpret anything and everything and give it a meaning of my own. Sometimes I get the whole package wrong and suffer for it.

On the same pace, I do not hide my excitement, it just shows, I swing myself a lot when I'm happy, and sometimes I let out a scream, now that is joy unspeakable. When I'm happy, you might just get a free hug. (Winks)

If I am annoyed with you, boy o boy, my face will tell you the story, that's the part of me I've tried over the years to curtail, but no way, it has chosen to remain that way. So on this ground, I rest my case.

I was suppose to do this write up last night, but then I got into a very long call with my primary school classmate from years back, and yes, it was worth it. How time flies and how we've managed to grow this big, na wa o.

On a lighter mood, I am excited to go to Lagos and gaan eat meatpie, I got into a competition with Ugo (my primary school mate). The deal was for any riddle I get correctly, I get one meatpie sponsored by him, and for every three I fail, I get to buy him one meatpie (did I hear you say inequality, abeg abeg abeg, jus hol it, I dinnor come to this world to comman suffer). Well, the good news is I am leading the game by far and I've told him I am expecting a truckload of meat pies! (I hate riddles, but how I manage to be getting the answers correctly, I am still marvelled).

I try as hard to manage my emotions, but each time I try, I fail so bad without reservations
I can't hide my feelings, they just happen to pop up on its own no matter how hard I attempt to hide it, it always ended on a  failed mission.

Anyway, I cannot comman gaan kee myself because of that biko, but right now, I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing. Advise me if you can.

But if you ask me, I think its okay to express yourself when it comes.

Express yourself when you're happy, express yourself when you're in love, express yourself when you're terribly mad at something, express yourself when you feel like it, it doesn't make you weird, it doesn't make you less human, you're just being you, and that is all that should matter.

Yes, once in a while, the world should revolve around you alone!

Its not like you aren't that special. It just doesn't kill!


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