Something to Rant about (Christmas yam and other stories)

So, recently, I heard 😕, I heard we should be careful of the yams we buy from the market cos they could actually be a real person who was turned into yam. 😒 Yeah right! (That should be a joke 😂).

Dear 90's kids, gather around please. I can't be the only one who actually believed people turned into yams when they picked money from the ground. I for one only heard, I never really saw anyone turn into yam, I have never seen anyone disappear, these are stories that filtered into my ears as a kid.

The news of people turning into 'what have you' happen to be in season in a time like this- the Christmas period.

Well, I have gist for you, fresh from the fire childhood gist 😇.

During Christmas period like this, mom always warned us to steer clear from picking whatever from the ground, she called it a trap, she fed us with stories of people turning to yam and people disappearing after picking things from the ground, but trust us, we had a counter fact. You want to know? Its something you probably know already.

So the counter fact was to first step on the object, this step is assumed to neutralize whatever hold the charmed object had, and if you don't disappear after stepping on it, you could actually pick it up, dust it up and walk away 😂. But you know, we never actually thought you could disappear from stepping on it too.  

But that's not what I want to gist you. 😕

So here's the gist...

We were home, festive period just like this, a family friend came over with a hot super story for us, a man had just turned into 'okada'  (two wheel drive). What happened? He had helped a man pick something from the ground and boom, he turned into an okada.

Funny enough, it allegedly happened in front of the police barracks which is very close to my house, we also learned the bike was moved into the station for investigation 😂. Can't take a guess if the man who turned the other man into an Okada was arrested. Stories we hear 😒

Last year, I made a post saying people should stop picking things from the ground, they should not assume that its the new generation such things don't happen, they should remember indomie hungry man size is actually a new generation thing and people can leave yam and turn to that.

I don't believe such things happen, maybe because I haven't really seen, but then, I am careful not to take what isn't mine, its better safe than sorry.



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