Something to Rant about πŸ˜‡ (Resolution)

The year is slowly coming to an end, its few days  to 2019 and we all will be going about our new year resolutions,  again! πŸ˜•

Its a regular for some, but not for me anymore. I stopped the resolution thing some years back, say about three-four years ago. You ask why?, I got tired, it became exhausting, became a tedious work, a project I almost never accomplished.

I congratulate you all who make resolutions every year and actually stick to it, you guys are the real super man! πŸ˜‡

Its a good thing to make a plan, you know make a list of the things you intend to achieve, a list of habits you want to stop, and so many other things you have piled up for you, its a good thing please.

The problem I have with people who do resolution's are those who actually wait till the eve before the New year or wait till the new year day. My analysis has shown that 75% of people make new year resolutions only on habits they do not intend to take with them to the next year. Not resolutions on bigger plans for the future, it always has to be a habit. 😒

Does a particular habit stop one from making plans for the future? I really do want to be clear on this. Please?

I am of the opinion that everyday is a new day, resolutions shouldn't wait a 365 or 366 before its called a new resolution, and resolutions shouldn't be full of wanting to stop bad habits alone, a resolution should contain a list of the things you want in life; an improvement, a project, a dream come true, etcetera etcetera and okay, a bad habit you intend to stop (...seems like resolutions are never complete without that, so there you go, I spelt it out πŸ˜’)

I also think resolutions should have a life span, say three months for short term, six months for medium term and twelve to fourteen months for extreme cases (maybe a diehard habit or a business project). Time your resolutions, I think it makes achieving them even faster so you can move on to other things and other programmes.

So fam, can we just not wait till its the end of the year for a new resolution? Can we actually create a task-list and tick off every achievement we make, I think it makes things easier, we can move forward faster with that.

Resolute everyday if you can, could be immediate resolutions like the 'na-na-na' typa thing.

Today, make a resolution to resolute when its necessary, important and urgent, just like I've made a resolution to blog my thoughts more often.


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