Something to Rant about (...light is light, doesn't matter if its a shimmer)

There are times in my life I want to give up, yeah, the struggle to be better gets tiring at some point, but then, I try to keep up. Sometimes I miss being a child, when there was little or almost nothing to worry about, but then again, you know, being a child isn't forever, you have to grow into responsibilities, you have to grow to be responsible for something and or for someone, that's the trend.

At 15, I thought I had my life figured out; graduate at 20, serve at 21, get a job at 22, start a family at 23. I had a dream, to live a simple and fulfilled life, without much troubles, no much struggles, a little hustle and live my life to please myself and give my family a happy life.

But you know, you make a plan, and some times, the plan unplans itself like it has a mind of its own 😂. Have I given up yet? No.

I still want that life, the only thing that's changed is just the age and timing, cos I am passed 23 and haven't even graduated 😒.

Do I feel sorry at me sometimes? Yeah, I do 😕, I look myself in my mirror and shake my head 'yeye girl...' I say, 'you haven't given up yet have you?'.
We all have dreams, dreams for a better life, dreams for the best life, to dream is actually free, the work to move that dream into reality is key.

Don't be stagnant, keep moving, it may not look like it now, sun and rain are both important for growth, just take shelter when the storm comes so you don't get taken down.

Yeah, you remember when you prayed for the things you have now, time moves faster than you can imagine.

Keep moving okay, keep pressing on, keep failing forward, the light at the end of the tunnel may be that of a candle shimmer, but light is light anyway.

Hope this makes up your day, fail forward, you can only get better.


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