Something to Rant about (Don't break true friendship)

This is for my friend Pharez 😢

I lost Pharez sometime between February and March. I didn't find out about his death till December. And when I found out he died, I couldn't fight back tears, where was I all through the months that passed by. What was I doing, did I stop caring or did I not care at all?

Pharez and I shared four years of friendship. He always reached out to me, ALWAYS. Wanting to know how I was faring, if I was okay, if I needed help on something, he was everything a true friend should be. He cared so much his brother thought we had something going on between us, but no, we were just friends, just good friends. I got a nick name too, AdaPharez.

The last time I lost contact with him, he had left the country to somewhere not too far away, can't remember the country now, so his lines weren't going through. When he came back, he reached out to me, told me he travelled and needed some alone time to fix things, I understood, we all need some alone time sometimes.

This year, I only spoke with him in January, that was the last time we had a chat, and since then before his death, I tried reaching out to him since I didn't hear from him in a long while, all his four numbers became unavailable, I concluded he had travelled again, so I was calm and went about my daily life.

Weeks ran into months, and I remembered him again, I started to think the travel was taking too long and so I became worried. I reached out to his brother in septemeber on social media, the message marked read but I never got a reply. I concluded maybe Pharez didn't want to be reached, I became calm again and continued my normal life.

In December, I became extra worried, like what kinda travel is this one nah?

What I didn't know was my friend Phsrez had travelled to a place he never wasn't ever gonna come back from, how did I miss it, how did I not see that coming, how did I conclude he had travelled again like he did the first time, how did I wait till almost ten months later to find out he's gone, how did I not think to still try to know if he was really okay, why did I just conclude he travelled?

I feel bad each time I remember I flopped, what kinda friend am I?
I know we can't help losing our loved ones, I know we can't prevent death all of the time, but some days like today should raise a consciousness in our hearts to always reach out.

Box a call today, box a text, if you care please show it, stop assuming.
I might not have been able to prevent his death, but then, I missed out on paying my last respect, and it still hurts.



  1. Purest of hearts few possesses ,
    Thought 💭 of real truths ,it bitters, it hurts.
    Yeah, but then again we are faultless to TIME and ETHER, when there is nothing one can so,, it simply means so, THERE IS NOTHING U CAN DO.... Pharez be safe where u are...

    Purest of hearts 💕 ,


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